Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Featured on Treasuries!!!

My "Lilac and minty green Princess Earrings" has been featured on this lovely Etsy Treasury with the theme "Purple" by Xau xau Summer!!! You can still click and check other lovely finds featured there...

Last monday two other items of my shop were also featured on another Treasury themed "Golden Europe", by Sexy handmade, this Treasury has expired already but I discovered it just in time to get a snapshot! And you can see it bellow. :) So bright and cheerful isn't it?? It was the first time we were featured in someone's Treasury, and WOW twice in a week!!!  I know it might sound silly for elder sellers, but for me as "newbie" it feels very special and made me very excited!!! So THANK YOU!!

Check out their shops (by clicking on their names above) and discover what a talented and creative people they are!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My "Strippy Tiger" has been featured on

What a good way to start your tuesday morning! My "Golden Stripped Brown Braided Cuff" (I named it "Strippy Tiger" ) has been featured on FoundHandmade's blog as a jewellery gift idea for Mother's day (U.S)!!
It's the first time ( the second actually, the first time it was in a private group blog) I have an item featured in someone else's blog so it feels special  again!!!! :) :)

There you'll find lots of pretty handmade stuff but other Etsians and link's to their shops!!!

Let's get browsing!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lost things...

Very busy day today but I couldn't resist stopping here quickly and sharing this video that I've just come across and absolutely loved it!!! I'm a big fan of stop-motion and things that are "a bit out there"...and this video is both! It has the cooperation of an fellow "Etsian" crafter:  Lost Things With mrYen

Wishing you all a great weekend...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcoming Spring...

Happy Easter Everyone!

Hope you're having a yum and chocolaty Easter! Mine surely is... :)

Today I finally managed to make my first etsy treasury, and it was quite spontaneous as I bumped into it only 5 minutes before it opened. So I picked up a few gorgeous items that catched my eye with my favorite colours for this spring!  let's "Let the Spring blow..." 

If you want to have a look at this treasury and check out the these lovely items and shops follow the link:
